G&M Bandsaw, Inc. is the owner of the website usabandsawblades.com. G&M is a family owned business located in Montgomery, PA and employs 14 people. Our company began operations in 1966 as a company that serviced wide bandsaw blades (4” to 12” wide) for the lumber industry. Today, we are still proud to service and manufacture wide bandsaw blades for the lumber industry.
Early on G & M also realized the need for narrow bandsaw blades (1/8” to 3” wide) used for cutting wood, metal and plastic. We have been selling narrow bandsaw blades almost as long as we have been selling wide bandsaw blades and we finally took it to a new level with our website usabandsawblades.com.
You can rest assured that if you order bandsaw blades from us you are getting the best blades the market has to offer and we stand behind everything we sell. One other great thing you should know about our bandsaw blades is that they are all manufactured in the USA, so make your next purchase of quality bandsaw blades at usabandsawblades.com. Thanks for your consideration and if you want expert help in choosing the right blade for your application call Chet James at 570-412-5476.